As we get into the spring season, we are looking ahead at a lot of things happening at the HOH and within the HOH family. Today we are sharing a glimpse into some that have happened and at others that are coming up.
Easter is one of the favorite times of the year for the HOH family. While other years we included our community in our activities, this year we celebrated just within the HOH family. This was due mostly to the continuing social and health issues plaguing our dear Haiti. It was a wonderful time of remembering what we are really celebrating – the life and death of Jesus and all that it means for us. This is a picture of them watching the Jesus film on Friday night.
Since the kids were off school during the week of Easter, we had some fun times of games and activities during the days (like coloring Easter eggs – Easter is one of the only times in the year every HOH kid gets their own egg to eat!), as well as Bible lessons about Jesus and prayer times for Haiti. All in all, it was an enjoyable and refreshing week.
Unfortunately, just after the Easter celebrations, we once again experienced a death in our family. Young Marianne passed away. She has never been in good health from the day she showed up at the HOH, but in spite of that her death came as a big shock. It was especially hard because it was another death. Since 2021, the HOH family has had 10 kids or close family members (staff/volunteers) pass away. They seem to come so close together that you can hardly get over one before the next one happens and then it brings back the memories of all the others.
For each one of these who passed away, however, we have the assurance that they were believers in Jesus and that we will join them in eternity one day. The HOH corner of heaven is sure growing and what a reunion we will have one day when we are all together again.
So, in the meantime, we continue with the work God has given us and the activities that go along with it. For 6 of our university boys that means Graduation! Yes, after many long hard years of studying, the past few in a very hostile and stressful environment, these boys will be graduating from their studies. Two of them are graduating with diplomas in Civil Engineering, two with business degrees, one will graduate as a High School Teacher, and the other one as a Physical Therapist. We hope to have their pictures to show you once the events take place in June.
Of course, after graduation it means they will begin looking for jobs, so you can be praying with them about that. The environment in Haiti is never great when it comes to jobs, and you can imagine with all the problems that are there, this is almost impossible now. But, we know God has provided in helping them get this education. And we know that He is also able to provide for them in their need of a job that would allow them to start providing for themselves. Please be in prayer with us about this, that God would open doors of opportunity for them to find work.
As we mentioned earlier in the year, Jenny will be doing a long road trip with the aim of visiting as many of our friends and partners in Southern Canada and North Eastern USA as possible. She will begin her travels on May 12 and here are the churches she will be visiting:
· May 14 – Bethlehem Baptist Church - Crossville, TN
· May 21 – Simcoe Gospel Chapel - Simcoe, Ontario
· May 28 – Valley Bible Church – White River Junction, VT
· May 28 – Providence Presbyterian Church – West Lebanon, VT
· June 11 – Grace Baptist Church – York, PA
· June 18 – TBD – Elkorn, VA
· June 25 – Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd – Summerville, SC
She will also be meeting with people in between these locations, so if you haven’t been in touch with her yet and you live near these places, please feel free to contact her. And please be in prayer with her as she is on the road. Pray for safety, for health and for meaningful meetings and contacts with people along the way.
While on this trip, Jenny will be trying to raise funds to purchase new mattresses for the HOH beds. This has been a huge need since 2019, but we just never had the means to replace them. Now, what was a huge need has become urgent, they cannot continue to sleep on what we are calling mattresses at this time. We are trying to raise $12,000 to allow us to purchase the 71 mattresses that we need. If you would like to join this fund raising venture, please feel free to send a donation to our partnering organization ER International and designate it for HOH but then add a note that you want it to go toward mattresses. You can see how to give through ER here on our DONATE page.
As you may hear from various places, the situation in Haiti continues to deteriorate. Every day Linda has parents coming to the HOH trying to give us their children because they can't feed them. It is heartbreaking for the families and for Linda. Food is once again becoming difficult to find and the price prohibitive for many. Please continue to pray for Haiti, its leaders, those working in the country, the Haitian people and even those participating in creating the chaos. Pray for peace and for solutions to this ongoing crisis that is making life unbearable for all.
We appreciate all of you who keep in touch with us and pray on a regular basis. If you would like more frequent updates either by email ( or as a part of our Facebook group (, just let us know.