“Can I tell you something?” he texted cautiously. “We really need a new car for the HOH”
I was chatting with one of our university boys, and our conversation had suddenly shifted course.
“I know” was all I could reply. My mind was racing. Just the day before, Linda and some of the kids had made a trip down to the capital city. It had been a terrible trip. Our old vehicle had been smoking and almost caught fire. It left them stranded on the side of the road, and in the sun for hours. By the time they did make it to Port-au-Prince, they were exhausted, and some were even ill.

I reminded him that we tried to raise funds for a vehicle several years ago. Other than a few gifts here and there, for which we were very thankful, it was surprisingly unsuccessful. We took it as an answer that a new vehicle was not the right answer for us at that moment. But here we were, years down the road, having nursed our old one to keep it going this long.
“God can do this”, was his response. “I have faith that He will provide this need for us, this year”.
“But this is a bad year,” I told him. “Many people are out of work, lots of places are still dealing with the virus. It just doesn’t seem like a good year”.
No matter how hard I tried, I just could not muster the amount of faith he had that God would do this for us. But my heart was stirred, and I talked to Linda about it. Together, we decided to bolster our faith by the faith of this young man that was unflinching.
And that was just the start.

You know the end of the story. We shared with you in the last post that not only did we raise enough money to get a used vehicle, but we received enough to get a new one.
But in-between, came many stories. Stories of our partners listening to the voice of our Loving Father pushing them to give towards this need. Stories of one family of partners agreeing to match gifts until we had enough to get the truck we needed. Stories of others not able to give financially, but giving of their time, advice, and prayers.
Today, we are pleased to share with you that the truck has been purchased and arrived safely at the HOH. It has already been put to good use and Linda has been able to use it to attend multiple events in our local community. It will be an incredible help to us for many years to come, and we are so thankful for each one of you who took part in providing for this need.

We are even more thankful for the faith of our young man in university who started it all. What an encouragement for him to watch the seed of faith he shared with us grow into this great provision of our needs. He has not even gotten to see the truck yet, nor ride in it. But he will one day, and I am sure he will enjoy it more than anyone else.